
Our home-school partnerships are extremely important to us and keeping parents and carers feeling connected and able to contact us is extremely important. We send out a weekly whole school newsletter, a weekly PTA and community newsletter, a year group update and are active on social media.

We understand that home life is busy and so aim to keep communication open in a variety of ways that work for everyone. 

Here are the main routes through which we communicate with our families.

Individual Enquiries

In Person

Our teachers meet the children on the playground at the start and end of the day and are usually available if you want to pass something on or ask a question. If it needs longer, they might arrange to meet you, or phone you, at another time.

In addition, we have parents evenings in Terms 2 and 4, and if your child has an IEP additional meetings in Terms 1, 3 and 5. 


All emails should be sent to one of the addresses at the foot of this page, indicating who the email is intended for. It will then be forwarded on to the right member of the team and you will receive an acknowledgement that your email has been received. The member of staff will then respond as soon as possible. Please note, staff only send emails to be received between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday. 

Phone Call

If a face to face conversation isn't possible, or a longer discussion is needed, our staff are always happy to give you a call. If you are not able to come into school and would like to talk something through, please call or email the office and the member of staff best placed to help you will call you back as soon as they are able to. 

Parent Apps

Reach More Parents by Weduc

This app-based system incorporates a newsfeed, a messaging service, instant notifications for urgent messages and the school calendar. It is our main route for school-to-home news and information.


Parentmail is the system we use so that parents and carers can order and pay for school meals, trips and visitors and book appointment slots for parents' evening in Terms 2 and 4.

Early Years Learning Journal

We use Learning Journals to share with parents and carers their child’s progress across the year and this also enables them to upload any pictures or learning that they would like to share with the class teacher.


Google Classroom

Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 has a Google Classroom account which teachers use to set and receive homework. 

The quantity of homework set gradually increases in line with our Teaching and Learning policy. 

Social Media