We are a proudly inclusive school, with a desire to connect with and care for every child and adult in our school community at the heart of our ethos.
We have several important policies, people and places which bring this commitment to life and you can find out more about each of these in the links below.
In summary however, being an inclusive school means that we:
- Reflect this commitment in our staffing structure, with key roles established to drive an inclusive approach (see 'People' below)
- Prioritise the emotional needs of all children with a trauma-informed Relationships and Behaviour Policy
- Ensure Ordinarily Available Provision (adaptations and resources to support inclusion) is available for every child who needs it in every classroom across the school
- Have nurture rooms and additional sensory spaces on both sites that can be used both spontaneously and as part of a timetabled plan
- Invest in ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) who work in our Nurture Rooms on both sites
- Implement an Individual Education Plan for any child who needs additional intervention or support, to be reviewed with the class teacher three times per year
- Provide excellent provision to meet the needs of children with an Education and Health Care Plan
- Use the research-informed Hamish and Milo wellbeing resources and emotions curriculum to provide focused support when required
- Ensure that children who are new to English or who speak a language other than English at home are effectively supported in class
- Ensure that translated versions of key communications are available in the school office and on the school website
- Ensure that our curriculum, reading stock and environment incorporate people and reference points that representative of all people within our community
- Ensure that strategic decisions that are made benefit all members of our community equally
- Employ a trauma informed approach to working with parents, carers and families