
Our ethos and curriculum are underpinned by four values of Connection, Courage, Imagination and Care. For each one, we have agreed a set of four short phrases to explain its meaning and impact for us at Southville.

At Southville, Connection means...

Find the meeting point.

Be mindful.

Understand your story.

Be a global citizen.

At Southville, Courage means...

Do the right thing.

Embrace your emotions.

Lean into the unknown.

Know your superpowers.

At Southville, Imagination means...

Think freely.

Create solutions.

Be playful.

Keep searching for wonderland.

At Southville, Care means...

Be kind.

Look after your world.

Aim high.

Empower others.

Our Values in Action

We use our values to help shape school policy and strategic decisions, as well as referring to, and being guided by them as we interact adult to adult, adult to child and child to child. The more we use them, the stronger they become and the greater the impact upon our lives in school.

This cycle is captured in the image below.