
The governing body has a vital role to play in making sure every child at Southville Primary receives the best possible education by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The governor role is strategic rather than operational. Governors don’t get involved with the day to day running of a school, but instead support and challenge the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.

Generally, school governors are not specialists in education. Instead, each governor brings their own experiences and skills to the governing body, with all governors working together in the best interests of the children. Through a combination of monthly Full Governing Board meetings, targeted learning walks, meetings with specific middle and senior leaders and cyclical policy review, governors get to know the school really well and play an invaluable role in its ongoing development. 

Governing Body Membership

  Term Start Term End Named Governor Roles
Mr Andy Bowman 2 Sep 2021    
Staff governor
Ms Melissa Lawrence Oct 2022    
Parent governors
Mrs Emily Darwen 06 Jul 2018 05 Jul 2022 Named Governor for SEND
Mrs. Allison Lewis 12 Dec 2022 11 Dec 2026  
Mr Fred Rodrigues 30 Nov 2021 29 Nov 2025  
Co-opted governors
Mrs Jennifer Gibson 06 Jul 2020 05 Jul 2024 Chair of Governors
Named Governor for Safeguarding
Named Governor for Looked After Children
Ms Sarah Lund 26 Jan 2021 25 Jan 2025  
Ms Emma Morris 14 Sep 2020 13 Sep 2024 Named Governor for Pupil Premium
Named Governor for Equalities

Mrs Liz Newton 22 Oct 2018 22 Oct 2022 Vice-chair
Named Governor for Health & Safety and Wellbeing
Mr James Sharp 11 Dec 2019 10 Dec 2023  
Mrs Ruth Wadsworth 22 Oct 2018 22 Oct 2022  
Mr Charlie Deeks  14 Oct 2021   13 Oct 2025  
Mr Tom Knighton 26 Jan 2021 25 Jan 2025 Finance Link Governor
Local Authority Governors
Ms. Sharon Putnam 24 Jan 2023 23 Jan 2027  
Associate Governors      
Henry Commander 5 Oct 2021 Oct 2023  
Gareth Potter 14 Sep 2020 13 Sep 2022  

Governors who have left during the last 12 months

Name Type of Governor Term of office start Term of office end Resignation date
Sara Lund Co-opted 26 January 2021 25 January 2025 14 July 2022
Jag Notay LA 08 December 2020 07 December 2024 11 July 2022
Pat Hennessy Co-opted 23 September 2019 22 September 2023 18th August 2021
Jess Harris-Freeth Parent  22 October 2019 21 October 2023 28 September 2022​