
We are aspiring mathematicians! 

At Southville Primary School, we aspire to be mathematicians. Our maths curriculum will enable children to feel enthusiastic and capable in all areas of maths.  We will show children that maths is about exploring and being curious about the world around us, and will promote a lifelong interest in the subject.  We will teach children to use their mathematical knowledge and observations in order to question, to hypothesise, to test their theories and to make sense of the world. We will equip children with lots of strategies, both mental and paper-based, to provide them with the confidence and means to approach problems. We will teach children the mathematical skills they will need in order to solve real-life, everyday problems as they grow older. We will do this by:

  • Introducing children to all aspects of the mathematics curriculum, providing lots of opportunities to re-enforce their learning and showing the links between topics, such as the role of number in calculation.
  • Showing every child what a number is and to develop their understanding of number by providing lots of different resources, pictures, representations and situations in which to investigate number and to understand place value throughout their school career.
  • Using resources to model, support and explain learning to ensure maths is made accessible to every child.
  • Ensuring every child knows and can use basic mathematical facts to free their working memory and to help them to progress with their learning and inquiries.
  • Asking questions to promote conversations about maths, a love of learning and a sense of wonder in mathematical occurrences that can be seen in the world around us.
  • Working together to explore a variety of ways to solve a problem.  This will help every child knows how to use a range of skills and methods to work mathematically, both individually and as part of a team.  
  • Talking about why we are choosing to work in one way rather than another way to help children to feel informed and able to verbalise their decisions when making choices about their mathematical approaches.
  • Providing children with a ‘real story’ in which to use their knowledge and skills, in preparation for the wider world 
  • Exposing children to opportunities to apply and enhance their in-class learning through outdoor learning and consideration of cross-curricular scenarios where maths has been essential, including in science, philosophy and technology.

To find out more about how we plan, teach and assess Maths at the school, click here.