We are aspiring theologists!
At Southville Primary School, we aspire to be theologists. Our religious education curriculum will give our children the understanding of others' cultures and beliefs, respect others including people with different faiths and share their views in a safe space. We will equip them with the knowledge and understanding of different world beliefs and views to help them flourish as citizens in a diverse society. This contributes to promoting a positive and inclusive school and equips children with the confidence to share their opinions.
We will do this by:
- Sharing and celebrating religious festivals as they are happening and provide children with a platform to share their beliefs (whether they are religious or not)
- Providing our children with opportunities to visit religious sites and hear from expert speakers to make learning as real as possible
- Enhancing the children learning by teaching different religious stories to provide a wide range of thoughts and beliefs
- Comparing and contrasting different religions, looking at what they have in common as well as how they are unique
- Giving the children time to reflect on lives big questions and understand how different world views would answer them
- Ensure we reflect our local area and the vibrant city of Bristol in order to develop in the children an understanding and appreciation of the culture and diversity of this great city
The EYFS curriculum is planned to match the requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework. In the area of Understanding of the World, children learn about religion and culture through experiences, visitors and stories. This is planned through both adult-led learning and continuous provision.
The locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education in Bristol City is Awareness, Mystery & Value, which contains a programme of study for each Key Stage 1 and 2. Each programme of study consists of between nine and twelve units, framed as core questions, with between three and five supplementary questions for each unit. The first focus in each unit is taken from the areas of enquiry previously known as ‘learning ABOUT religion and belief’:
- A = Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
- B = Practices and Ways of Life
- C = Forms of Expressing Meaning The second focus is taken from the areas of enquiry previously known as ‘learning FROM religion and belief’
- D = Identity, Diversity and Belonging
- E = Meaning, Purpose and Truth
- F = Values and Commitments
When learning within Religious Education, teachers place a strong emphasis on the children respecting each other’s ideas and beliefs, promoting open-mindedness and harmony within the school community. Within each unit of work, children learn about a range of ideas and beliefs, that all belief systems are equally valuable and to be valued.
Children compare their own beliefs and practices to those of Christianity and other world religions. Children are encouraged to find common threads between the main world religions as well as explore and express their own spiritual beliefs. The religions studied represent those most represented across the UK. These religions are Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Children are supported to develop skills of enquiry, interpretation, evaluation and reflection.
Trips, workshops and school visitors are essential to help pupils develop a deeper conceptual understanding of religion and help them to embed subject specific vocabulary in an environment outside the classroom. By exposing pupils to the wide range of beliefs and religions that are practiced, we are helping them to understand and become more aware and open towards the community around them. Assemblies, when appropriate, are based on significant religious events, for example Diwali, Eid, and Harvest Festival.