Learning in Year 3
Immersive Learning
At our school, we learn many subjects under one umbrella; we call this ‘Immersive Learning’ as the children are fully immersed in a particular topic or theme for a term and become experts in that area of the curriculum. Each term we will add the medium term overview for the new topic which can be found below. These topics will form the majority of our lessons, combining literacy, science, art, DT, history and geography. It really helps your child build their knowledge and understanding if you can support their learning at home by, for example, taking them to a museum or finding a non-fiction book in the library linked to each term’s topic.
Physical Education
Please come into school dressed in your PE kit on the day you have PE and wear trainers on your
running days.
In addition to your weekly set homework please read at home as often as you can and aloud with an adult at least 2 or 3 times a week. Sign and date your record so we can see what you’ve been doing at home. You will have reading books from school but other things are great too.
If you need some news ideas, here are some recommended books for year 3.
Homework & Spellings
Your homework and spellings for this term can be found on Google Classroom. Children each have their own login and should be able to complete and hand in their work online, following the instructions set by the teacher. If you have any trouble accessing the work online, please speak to the class teacher.
Meet The Teacher
All of the information from the Meet The Teacher meetings can be found below.