
March 2024 was a particularly exciting month at Southville! Inspired by Upfest, the world famous street art festival which takes place in our local area, 'Southfest' brought together a diverse group of seven talented professional artists to work across our school. 

All of the art was produced in school, directly on the wall and so the children were able to watch and interact with the artists as they worked, making suggestions as they did so. Some of the artists led assemblies in the weeks before Southfest to help the children get to know them by sharing examples of their art and answering questions and they used this as a chance to ask the children for their ideas. Other artists used their knowledge of our school and our values as inspiration for their piece.

Southfest also saw us working with Bath University on a research project which explored the impact of art to celebrate multi-lingualism in our community and connect children and adults.

It was a special month, culminating in the open day. Here is a sense of what Southville was like at the time, and how it continues to inspire us today.