Bath University Languages Project

University of Bath Research Partnership

A key aspect of Southfest '24 was our partnership with University of Bath. Prof Gail Forey, Joy Cranham and Ben Van Praag collaborated with us as part of their research project exploring the value of art (specifically street-style wall art) to engage children and families for whom English is an additional language, or not the main language spoken at home. 

It provided a rich opportunity for the children to learn from each other and in so doing, learn about each other. Sharing their languages provided a window into broader conversations about their cultural similarities and differences, and the art provided a focal point for these discussions.

Joy spoke with the children about our school values and encouraged them to think of a word connected to them in some way, drawing upon a language they were familiar with to express it.  

Ben Van Praag, a street artist whose style is based around words and 'tagging' (with permission of course!) showed the children how to use colour, shape and line to make their word look great and every child in Years 1 to 6 designed a tile featuring their chosen word. 

The outlines of many of the designs were then transferred onto the wall by Joy, Ben and their team of helpers. One of the walls is in the hall on our Merrywood site, and the other is in the corridor at our Myrtle site. 

Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 (and many members of staff and parents) helped to paint one of the words, and the children in Reception designed stencils that Ben used to provide flowers in the lower section of the Merrywood wall. 


The final pieces are stunning. They capture and celebrate the many essential parts that make our school the special place it is, and they continue to generate conversations on a daily basis.

Most importantly though, they tell every member of our school family, as they step inside our buildings, that they belong.