Funded Provision

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium grant is provided to schools in order to help them improve the attainment of children whose backgrounds may hinder them from achieving their full potential. Here you will find our strategy document, which explains how we use this funding in Southville Primary School.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Southville, we value all children equally and strive to ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities are provided with the support that they require to flourish. We work closely with Bristol City Council and outside agencies to assess individual children’s needs and plan for their provision.

Please see our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report for further detail.

Bristol City Council's SEND local offer

Information on Bristol City Council's SEND local offer can be found at:

This includes information on:

  • Early years and childcare
  • Education
  • Preparing for adulthood
  • EHC plans
  • Health
  • Support and social care
  • Activities, sports and leisure

PE and Sport Premium

The PE and Sport Premium grant is provided to schools in order to help them to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, physical activity and sport. Here you will find our strategy document, which explains how we use this funding in Southville Primary School.

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service