Friends of SVP Zone

Are you interested in helping our children have those little extras to enrich their time at school? We are a group of parents who meet once a term (over a glass of wine) to plan fundraising activities for the school and to discuss how any money raised should be spent.  Anyone is welcome to come along.

You can find more information on the PTA at their events website: or keep up-to-date via the facebook page.


As a Friend of Southville Primary, you can:

  • Be apart of your school community, any parent or teachers are welcome!
  • Help improve our children's school by fundraising for extra enrichment opportunities for all children
  • Find out more about how the school works
  • Be apart of the parent voice at our school 
  • Bring your skills! Whether these be baking, art, first aid, grant writers, a desire to be Christmas Elf! We will always need your help. 

What activities do we organise?

  • Welcome picnic for new Reception children and parents
  • Christmas Fayres, selling locally sourced Christmas Trees, a Santa's grotto, eco-crackers and much more!
  • Quiz Evenings
  • Board Game Nights
  • Spring Fayre
  • Pupil designed items: Christmas cards and tea towels!
  • Beginners Ball
  • Halloween Discos
  • Second hand quality uniform sales
  • The legendary Spring and Christmas hamper raffles with unbelievable prizes!

What has the money been spent on?

  • A new school library at Myrtle Site, contributing £27,000 to its build
  • Subsidising theatre trips
  • Library resources
  • Year 6 leaver’s event, leavers jumpers and year books. 
  • Playground equipment, enhancing the play provision for our pre-school and reception areas.
  • Samba musical instruments
  • Gardening Club resources
  • Supported Local Community events: Bedminster Lantern Parade, BS3 Space Trail display, our own Aardman Gromit and Shaun the Sheep for the school sites
  • Launchpad workshops (art)
  • Lego Masters Lego
  • New Scooter racks for the bike sheds to promote other ways for children to travel to school 
  • And much, much more!

PTA Committee

PTA Co-Chair – Helen Beach and Sonia Adams Vice Chair – Lucy PookTreasurer – Liz NewtonSecretary – Melanie Zaalof​

Class Reps - Click here

Why not get in touch if you think your employer may be a match funder? Would you like to make a donation to the PTA for the money to only be spent on something specific? Would you like to find out about amazon smile? You can shop and help us raise funds at the same time! 

Please email your super friendly team on:


To see a list of upcoming events, follow the link below:


If you wish to donate to our school, please follow the Donate my School link below:


As part of our responsibility as a charity, the minutes of the AGM are published as a public record:

AGM minutes 2021

AGM minutes 2022

AGM minutes 2023

AGM minutes 2024

Minutes of Meetings

PTA minutes - 12.01.22

PTA minutes - 22.03.22

PTA minutes - 12.05.22

PTA minutes - 21.06.22

PTA minutes - 15.09.22

PTA minutes - 10.01.23

PTA Minutes - 01.03.23

PTA Minutes - 08.06.23

PTA Minutes - 13.09.23

PTA Minutes - 22.04.24

PTA Minutes - 12.06.24

PTA Minutes - 14.01.25

PTA Minutes - 11.03.25